Is Writing Dying?

As some of you know, for the last four months we’ve been holding meetings of the online Writing Beyond Writing Book Club. It has been an absolute blast. Participants have been starting from issues or questions raised in my new book Writing Beyond Writing and then heading out in a hundred different and fascinating directions. We’ve touched on poetry “written” in embroidery; low-energy and high-energy writing systems; Hungarian runic script redesigned as Netflix logos; the burning of books to establish a script to unify an empire; Latin manuscripts containing paintings; secret alphabets; and the Service of Lessons and Carols at King’s College, Cambridge.

But as we approach the end of the first series of meetings, an important and urgent question has been rising out of the discussions: is writing as we know it dying?

The answer isn’t as simple as you may think. In fact, the question isn’t as simple as you may think. Because writing itself isn’t as simple as you may think. We’re at a point in history where our confusion over what writing is, and is for, threatens literally the whole planet.

This is so important I’ve decided to add an extra 90-minute Book Club meeting, on Saturday, June 22, starting at 11:00 a.m. EST.

The cost of admission will be $7:50, but that will also entitle you to a copy of the digital edition of Writing Beyond Writing, which I’ll send you ahead of time so you’ll be ready for the discussion and will have even formulated ideas of your own. (Note: it doesn’t get dispatched automatically–I email each one personally.)

Sign up for this special one-off meeting of the Book Club by clicking on the button here….