Atlas of Endangered Alphabets page dedications available!

Hey, everyone. Work on the free online Atlas of Endangered Alphabets is proceeding briskly with research into the scripts themselves (at current count, 120!), images of the scripts in use, links to fonts/apps/keyboard software/organizations working to preserve the scripts, and so on as we promised during our recent successful Kickstarter campaign.
As I said at the outset, we need to raise at least $30,000 to create the Atlas and maintain it for the first year, and the Kickstarter was just the first phase. Next come sponsorships. For $100, you can dedicate a script page of your choice to a friend, family member, loved one, or your favorite non-profit. (For $250 we offer a corporate sponsorship with a link to the company website.)
If you’re interested, please let me know through and we’ll send you the spreadsheet of scripts so you can see which are available.
Please share this with anyone you might be interested!